
Bookshelf: April Edition

Confession: I love buying books. Used bookstores are places where I can finally exhale, slow down, and wander.

I love reading books too, but I (like my father) usually end up in the middle of twelve different books at once, popping around, and not finishing any of them particularly quickly. I'm not very patient sometimes (ahem, most of the time), so if I have a new book, I want to start it right away. None of this wait-until-you-finish-the-other-book nonsense.

What a great philosophy

That said, here are the books on my nightstand right now:

A Beautiful Mess: A Perfectionist's Journey Through Self Care by Kristin Ritzau.

Mel recommended this one, and I'm all about memoir-style, encouragement books. Plus Kristin Ritzau includes recommendations at the end of each chapter for exercises to do to practice self-care. I've probably underlined half the book by now...

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows

Okay, I actually finished this one a few weeks ago, but it was so good. Guernsey is an island off of England that was occupied by the German Nazis in World War II. This book goes through the story of the islanders' experience during the occupation. They briefly mention Normandy...I teared up a little. The whole thing is written in letters, which took me a little while to get used to, but it works.

The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis

I've wanted to read this book for a long time; it seems like one that Christians should read at some point--if not the whole thing, then part of it. I pick it up every now and then and read a few chapters--they're pretty short. It is made up of letters written from one devil to his nephew, teaching him how to work against "the Enemy" (God) and Christians. I didn't really give much thought to this concept growing up, but it's super interesting to consider and makes me even more determined not to let those little devils win this fight.

Zelda by Nancy Milford

I might have judged this one by it's cover...can you blame me?

I bought this for 75 cents at a used book sale, and the man selling it said it's his favorite biography. I love reading about the Jazz Age, and I've always enjoyed Fitzgerald, so why not learn about his wife? I just started this one, so it will probably be on my nightstand for a while...

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

I'm waiting until my current stack shrinks a little to start this book, but I've heard such great things about it. I'll keep you posted.

Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist

Ditto for this one. I read Cold Tangerines a few years ago and really enjoyed Shauna's writing style. Bread and Wine is her most recent book and everyone is raving about it. It also includes recipes, which I'll probably have to Paleo-ize, but gluten aside, I'm looking forward to reading it.

And I think that's it for now. What are you currently reading? Any recommendations?

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